2024 Germantown Christmas Parade

2024 Germantown Christmas Parade


  Germantown Associated Bank November 2024 Bank display honoring Marine Crops done by Mary Brown.


Congratulations to the  2024 Germantown Post 1 U17 Baseball Team, Regional Championship winners!





The Washington County American Legion, which is comprised of seven Posts, annually operates a food stand at the Washington County Fair.  This operation raises funds for the County American Legion which supports high school scholarships, Youth Government Day and other charitable causes in Washington County.  Wednesday, July 24, 2024 was Post 1’s day to operate the booth.  We are grateful to our Legion members and community at large for helping us in this endeavor.



Bingo is running every Thursday night starting at 7 p.m. for the first session.  Food service starts at 5:30 p.m. 


Germantown Veteran’s Memorial was presented a check for $5000 from Washington County to help pay for the installation of another flagpole at the Memorial.


Post 1 honored Memorial Day 2024 with a rifle salute, prayer and taps played at the six Germantown Cemeteries. At 11 AM, Post 1 conducted a memorial service at the Germantown Veteran’s Memorial, followed by a free lunch for the community at Post 1.




Congratulations to Commander Bonnell on her award as the 2023 Germantown Chamber of Commerce Rising Star!

The following article appeared in the Germantown Richfield Neighbors Magazine.



From Germantown Express News

Germantown Area Chamber of Commerce awards Christmas Festival Santa Trophy

Kristi Bonnell, Commander American Legion Post 1; Lynn Grgich, Germantown Chamber; Leroy Fry, Commander VFW Post 9202

Germantown: The Germantown Area Chamber of Commerce has celebrated its annual Christmas Festival on Saturday, November 11, Veterans Day. This day consists of the 5K Candy Cane Run/Walk, Jingle Bell Dash, Christmas Festival Parade and Christmas in the Park at Firemen’s Park. The Christmas Festival Parade has been going strong since 1981!

Each one of the parade entries have a chance at the Santa Trophy for the best entry based on:
– Creativity
– Usage of the Theme – “A Patriotic Christmas”
– Bringing the enthusiasm

This year the Germantown Chamber of Commerce is proud to award the Santa Trophy to the Germantown American Legion Post 1 & VFW Post 9202 for their parade participation, enthusiasm and creativity in getting great member engagement in the festivities. The Santa trophy was awarded Wednesday, December 13 at the American Legion’s member meeting. Pictured is Kristi Bonnell, Commander American Legion Post 1; Lynn Grgich, Germantown Chamber of Commerce; Leroy Fry, Commander VFW Post 9202.


Germantown Associated Bank display for the month of November 2023.

In 2022, Post 1 member, Mary Brown, was asked to provide a display at the Germantown Associated Bank honoring Veterans during the month of November.  Mary made a display honoring the US Navy.  Her display was one of six statewide to win $250, which she split with Post 1 and Germantown VFW Post 9202, where she is also a member.  This year the display honored the US Air Force.  Many of the materials honored the work of the US Air Force Pararescue units.  Ray Medley, VFW Post 9202, was a former member of this unit and provided the items.  Once again, as in last year, Mary did a great job on the display!


Veterans Day November 12, 2023

The Germantown Christmas Parade was scheduled on November 12, 2023, the same day as Veterans Day.  To honor veterans that day, the village themed this a “Patriotic Christmas Parade”.  Post 1 member, Dale Schuldt, was chosen as the Grand Marshall and rode in a 1953 jeep provided by the Jackson American Legion Post.  Our traditional color guard was enhanced by members of Post 1 and VFW Post 9202 carrying our 5 service flags. Preceding the parade, Post 1 honored Veterans with our memorial service at 11AM at the Germantown Veterans Memorial.




Post 1 has 3 American Legion Baseball Teams. Congratulations to the U16 Post 1 Team.




Memorial Day is a solemn reminder of the ultimate sacrifice that our service people have made to ensure our freedom.   Every year on Memorial Day, Post 1 travels to six cemeteries in Germantown to render honors with a reading, rifle salute and taps. At 11am, a ceremony was held at the Germantown Veteran’s Memorial with speakers and a rifle salute. Commander Bonnell gave a moving speech about the sacrifices made by our servicemen; prayers were offered by our Chaplains Brown and Janzen and Pastor Young.  3rd Vice-Commander Schuldt read the names of the new veterans added to the Germantown Veteran’s Memorial. About 200 people attended the ceremony. 





Congratulations to Dave Gierach named 2022 Germantown Post 1 Legionnaire of the Year! Dave is very active in our Post, serves as our 2nd Vice-Commander and is in charge of our Color Guard. 


Dave Gierach, Commander Bonnell and 3rd Vice-Commander, Dale Schuldt.




After a flag retirement ceremony, approximately 500 flags were respectfully retired on December 6, 2022 by Dave Ball, Dave Gierach, Dale Schuldt and Neal Degner.


Dave GierachVeterans Display at Associated Bank- Germantown

A special thank you to Post 1 member and VFW 9202 member, Mary Brown, who put together this display.  The display won a Associated Bank Corporate Award of $250.  The display honored the US Navy and featured uniforms from Vietnam on the left and World War 2 on the right. The pictures are from Post 1.  Great job Mary!


Veterans Day Display by Mary Brown at Associated Bank Germantown 2022

Veterans Day Display by Mary Brown at Associated Bank Germantown 2022

Veterans Day Display by Mary Brown at Associated Bank Germantown

Veterans Day Display by Mary Brown at Associated Bank Germantown 2022


Veteran’s Day 2022

Our Veteran’s Day observance was held on November 13, 2022 on a chilly morning at 11AM.

3rd Vice-Commander, Dale Schuldt opened the program. Germantown Police Chaplain, Greg Young, gave the opening prayer, followed by remarks by Commander Kristi Bonnell. A rifle salute was performed followed by taps. Mary Brown gave the closing prayer.  Seven new names were added to the memorial. If anyone would like to remember a veteran, they can add their name to the memorial by contacting Post 1. After the observances, a free meal was offered at the Post.  The second-grade students from Rockfield Elementary School made thank you cards for Veterans, which was very much appreciated.


Dale Schuldt Commander Bonnell Color Guard   Rifle Detail


New Post 1 Front Hall Display Case

Last year, Post 1 was approached by Troop 67 Boy Scout, Logan Wolf, who asked if there was something he could do at our Post for his Eagle project.  We have long wanted to replace our front hall display case. Logan and the Troop 67 Eagle coordinator agreed to this project. In July, Logan, presented the completed case to Post 1.  It was a great job and looks fantastic in its new position in the front hall. Logan spent a great deal of time in the design and construction of the display case. Thanks again Logan and best wishes on completing your Eagle requirements and attaining the Eagle rank!

Washington County Fair 

Every year our Post 1 supports fundraising for the Washington County American Legion.  County funds are used to support County Youth Government Day, County American Legion Cabin at Camp American Legion, County Post’s American Legion Baseball teams, County High School Scholarships and other activities.  To generate the necessary funds, the Washington County American Legion operates a food stand at the Washington County Fair held the last week of July. Wednesday of the fair is the day Post 1 provides the manpower to operate the food booth.


Memorial Day May 30, 2022

As they have done for many years, Germantown American Legion Post 1 along with Germantown VFW Post 9202 observed Memorial Day by visiting the six Germantown cemeteries to offer a prayer, rifle salute and taps honoring the veterans who gave the ultimate sacrifice. After the cemetery visits, at 11am, ceremonies were held at the Germantown Veteran’s Memorial with approximately 150 people in attendance. After the ceremony, people were invited to a free lunch provided by Post 1.  This year as an added bonus, 100 ceramic poppies made by the Germantown High School art classes were presented to are veterans. Post 1 and VFW Post 9202 thank the teachers and students for their thoughtful remembrance of our veterans. 

Link to Germantown Express News Memorial Day Story Ger060422














Our Post 1 Commander, Mike Nardelli, passed away on August 22, 2021.  A memorial was held at Post 1 on September 11, 2021.

Commander Michael Nardelli

Doug Janzen Post 1 Chaplain Memorial for Commander Mike Nardelli Sept 11, 2021


Germantown Post 1 Baseball team was the Wisconsin State Runner-up for U17. Great job and best of luck in 2022. Germantown Post 1 Baseball team The Dragons won the Mud Dog Trophy in June at the tournament in Illinois. They presented the trophy to the Post at our July 14, 2021 meeting.


Many Thanks to Dave Souders and Dale Schuldt in coordinating and doing a huge amount of work in scrapping and repainting Post 1. This is the first paint job in 25 years. Thanks also to those who volunteered to scrape the old paint, prime and finish coat, Ray Medley, Dave Gierach, Gayle and Greg Dombrow, Chris Yatchak, Dave Ball, Kurt Degner and Neal Degner.  



Memorial Day May 30 2021 Post 1 Germantown goes to each of the six Germantown cemeteries and renders honors with a prayer, rifle salute and taps.  At 11 AM, the Post goes to the Germantown Veteran’s Memorial for a ceremony that includes a speech by our Chris Yatchak, our Executive Committee Chairman, a rifle salute, playing of taps and the announcement by Dale Schuldt of the latest names added to our Veteran’s Memorial Wall.

Memorial Day May 30 2021 Memorial Day May 30 2021 Memorial Day May 30 2021 Memorial Day May 30 2021 Memorial Day May 30 2021 Memorial Day May 30 2021 Memorial Day May 30 2021 Memorial Day May 30 2021


Our third furnace was installed on April 21, 2021.  Three new furnaces in 18 months. this could not have happened without the fantastic support we received from our members!! 


Due to Covid, Bingo is not being held at the Post.  Congratulations to Neal Degner on the left, selected as Outstanding Member of the Year April 2021. 


On December 29, 2020, the south furnace was replaced.  This is the second furnace to be replaced in the past year.  It could not have happened without the monetary support received from American Legion Post 1 members and VFW Post 9202 and members.  On behalf of the Pos1 Executive Committee,  THANK YOU!





On September 16, 2020, Germantown Historical Society’s new Festhalle (German for Festival Hall) was dedicated at the Historical Society Grounds in historic Dheinsville, Germantown.  The hall will be used for Octoberfest and other activities. Dale Schuldt, 3rd Vice-Commander, of Post 1 and member of VFW Post 9202, saw a need for a large American flag in the hall. He designed and built the frame and installed the flag. Monetary assistance was provided by Germantown Post 1, Germantown VFW 9202, Germantown Post 321 Legion Auxiliary, Germantown VFW Auxiliary and the Germantown Veteran’s Memorial.  Great job by Dale!!


The Comedy Show has been rescheduled for May 1, 2021.

There will be a Post Meeting on July 8, 2020 at 7 P.M.  Social distancing with table spacing will be observed.  Masks are highly recommended. 



Congratulations to Chris Yatchak

2019  Germantown Post 1 Legionnaire of the Year

Chris Yatchak with Post Commander Mike Nardelli presenting the award.


Because of Covid19,  Bingo Cancelled until Further Notice

New Ceiling Installed

Super thank you to Dale Schuldt, who along with his daughter Heather, son-in-law Andy Modory, and members, Chris Yatchak, Dave Ball and Neal Degner installed the new ceiling tiles in the main hall and bathrooms.  A huge job done by Dale!

New Ceiling Lights Are Installed!

Thanks to our volunteers from the post and especially the volunteers from International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers – Local 494 who installed out lights.

Cleaning the grid work March 2 2020.

Before Pictures

Installing the lights, our members and IBEW Local 494

The new look!


New North Furnace Installation

Many thanks to A.J. Klumb for the use of his skid steer,  help in trimming trees by A.J. , Dave Gierach, Dave Ball, Chris Yatchak, and Dale Schuldt.


Veteran’s Day November 10, 2019 at the Germantown Veteran’s Memorial


June 2019 Painting the Post Wagon

July 24 Washington County Fair American Legion Food Booth Volunteers

Dead Tree Removal at Post 1 on August 10, 2019 – Thanks to Dave Gierach, Jim Heimann, Dale Schuldt, Chris Yatchak, Dave Ball and Neal Degner






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